11 Charts That Are Way Too True For Anyone Who Really Loves Food

    Splitting your food 50/50 sounds unfair, how about 90/10?

    1. When it comes to sharing food, you know what's fair.

    2. And that people who just expect some of your food are basically the worst.

    3. The thought of the food you'll be eating later is what motivates you during the day.

    4. You know that people who get you are rare and should be treasured.

    5. And anyone who is willing to give you food they don't want is an angel in your eyes.

    6. You know the best kind of food is free food.

    7. You can't trust other people when it comes to portions.

    8. If you go too long without food, your mood... changes.

    9. And when someone brings food into work for everyone, it unleashes a whole different side of you.

    10. You've experienced this painful display of poor judgement.

    11. And you are blessed with a second stomach specifically for your favourite course...