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29 Alternative Harry Potter Halloween Costume Ideas

For when The Boy Who Lived is just too mainstream.

1. The Golden Snitch

2. Luna Lovegood

3. Hedwig

4. Professor Trelawney

5. Fawkes

6. Dolores Umbridge

7. Rita Skeeter

9. Mad-Eye Moody

10. A Dementor

11. Bellatrix Lestrange

12. Fleur Delacour

13. Dobby

14. Moaning Myrtle

15. Nagini

16. Lucius Malfoy

17. Professor Sprout

18. Fred and George Weasley

19. Hagrid

20. Aragog

21. Professor McGonagall

22. Fluffy

23. Professor Quirrell

24. Scabbers

25. A Death Eater

26. Nymphadora Tonks

27. Harry's Scar

28. Argus Filch

29. Harry's Patronus