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16 Things Only People With Unique Names Will Understand

What's in a name? Anxiety and anger issues if you fit into this category.

1. You have a mild panic attack when a restaurant hostess asks for your name.

2. You immediately raise your hand as soon as there is a pause in roll call.

3. You still get birthday cards from your extended family with your name spelled wrong.

4. People on Facebook continuously spell your name wrong even when it is listed mere inches from the comment box.

5. People actually ask you if you are a foreigner.

6. When giving your name, you just automatically spell it out of habit.

7. You repeatedly get asked why your parents gave you "that name."

8. Literally 95% of your mail is spelled wrong.

9. You've had to redo, reapply or resubmitt official documents because your name is spelled wrong.

10. You take extra care to spell people's names right and take it personally when others do not.

11. It actually makes your day when a stranger pronounces your name correctly.

12. People actually question if you have misspelled your own name.

13. Name tags give you nightmares.

14. When wearing said nametag people still call you "hey you!"

15. You have given up correcting people, but you keep a running list and misspell their name at the next opportunity.

16. You will never name your children, dogs, fish or stuffed animals anything weird.