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When Have Your Parents Just Completely Failed At Social Media?

Parents just don't understand. Not one damn bit.

We can all agree that calling your parents is important.

And sometimes, they're even savvy enough to text back and forth with.

Unfortunately, their eloquence on the phone doesn't always translate through to their social media habits.

Maybe your parent is an over-sharer.

Or maybe they ask all the wrong questions, like Seth Rogen's mom.

i am trying to tweet a picture and i can't. and if you answer me i can't figure out how to see it. seth call me.

Perhaps they don't understand how to properly use acronyms.

Or maybe they don't get how the internet works, period.

Screenshot your parents' (or grandparents'!) biggest social media fails in the comments below for a chance to be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed post!

Awards and badges will be given to the best submissions.