Paid Post

17 Realities Of Starting Your Own Business

See also: 17 things they don't teach you at school.

1. You get to be your own boss.

2.'s not as cool as it sounds.

3. Nine to five isn't a thing anymore.

4. And yet, it is kinda thrilling.

5. Some people will doubt you.

6. There'll be a point where you wonder if you're in over your head.

7. And you'll naturally start comparing yourself to everyone else.

8. But you'll start to get REALLY good at selling yourself.

9. (And you get to print some sweet-ass business cards.)

10. The first-customer feeling is one of the greatest in the world.

11. Although, the novelty sadly wears off.

12. You'll spend the LONGEST time agonising over your "social media presence".

13. You start to wish you'd paid more attention in GCSE Maths.

14. Chasing up invoices isn't something they teach you at school.

15. And while there will always be a moment where you'll wonder if you'll be able to pay your bills come the end of the month...

16. ...before long, it'll all begin to click...

17. (...and you'll become SO much more interesting at parties...)

What happens when you let small businesses create their own commercials with the chance to have them aired on national TV? Pure magic.