46 Times "Angel" Completely Destroyed Your Soul

    You'll be Angelus by the time you're done reading. SPOILERS.

    1. When Angel finally became human, but had to become a vampire and erase Buffy's memories of their time together.

    2. When moving to Los Angeles couldn't fix Angel's disposition.

    3. When Doyle kissed Cordelia before sacrificing his life to save her and Angel.

    4. When Faith kidnapped Wesley and tortured him within an inch of his life.

    5. When Faith broke down and begged Angel to kill her.

    6. When Angel sliced Lindsay's hand right the fuck off.

    7. When Gunn and the gang had to turn on Gunn's old gang.

    8. When Darla and Lindsey teamed up to gaslight Angel into thinking he's going insane.

    9. When Darla realized as a human, she could finally die the way she was meant to.

    10. When Drusilla sired Darla and ruined her chance at remaining human.

    11. When Kate tried to commit suicide and Angel had to revive her.

    12. When Fred's parents showed up to try and take her back home.

    13. When Angel betrayed his moral compass and locked Wolfram & Heart lawyers in a room with Darla and Drusilla to die.

    14. When Cordelia refused to kill her former best friend-turned-vampire, but told Harmony never to come near her again.

    15. When Cordelia thought Lorne was beheaded.

    16. When Angel helped Fred realize she was powerful enough to help them escape from Pylea.

    17. When Willow showed up to tell everyone that Buffy was dead.

    Which just reminded you of the heartbreaking Buffy episode, "The Gift," ALL OVER AGAIN.

    18. When Darla showed up carrying Angel's baby.

    19. When Darla killed herself during labor so her baby could be born.

    20. When Angel held his baby, Connor, for the first time.

    21. When Wesley kidnapped Connor to save him from a prophecy that said Angel would kill his son.

    22. When the prophecy was a scam and Wesley got his throat slit and lost Connor.

    23. When Angel tried to kill Wesley for kidnapping his son.

    24. When Connor returned from a hell dimension, rapidly aged to a teenager, and hated his father.

    25. When Angel got dropped into the bottom of the ocean.

    26. When Cordelia realized she was in love with Angel, just as she was forced to ascend to a higher plane.

    27. When Cordelia returned with no memories of Angel or her friends.

    28. When Angel saw Cordelia having sex with his son.

    29. When Angel loses his soul again and torments his friends.

    30. When we found out Cordelia was evil and she killed Lilah.

    31. When Wesley saw Fred and Gunn kissing.

    32. When Faith broke out of prison to save the world from Angelus.

    33. When Willow came to help Angel get his soul back.

    34. When Cordelia revealed to everyone she was carrying Connor's baby.

    35. When Cordelia gave birth to Jasmine and went into a coma.

    36. When Jasmine made everyone slaves and only Fred was immune.

    37. When Cordelia said goodbye like this.

    38. When Angel turned into a puppet.

    39. When Spike returned from his death on Buffy, only as a ghost.

    40. When this confession happened.

    41. When Fred dies.

    42. When Illyria is the new incarnation of Fred.

    43. When this happens.

    44. And Illyria is left feeling some type of way.

    45. When the series ended with the gang doing what they always did — fighting against the odds.

    46. And always and forever, Angel's horrible, horrible dancing.