17 Reasons Being In A Long Distance Relationship Absolutely Rocks

    I love having no intimacy and human touch and who needs kisses and cuddling haha this is amazing I haven't had sex in 6 months woo go me.

    1. You never have to care about shaving.

    2. Also, no spending on two meals in a fancy restaurant.

    3. No real life interaction, as a matter of fact.

    4. And about privacy... Privacy is the best. You don't have anyone interfering in the things you do.

    5. Holding hands pretty much sucks, of course, 'cause germs.

    6. You don't have to physically hug anyone. Hugs are gross anyway. What if it's like warm, ew.

    7. And no sharing feelings or cozy fuzzy cuddles, ewww.

    8. And let's not even GO to the whole wanting to kiss someone bit, eeewwww.

    9. Are we forgetting? No potential STDs, no pregnancy threats, no weird sexual injuries, HELLO???

    10. All you have to do is send selfies and video chat and shit.

    11. Watching a movie alone is the best, obviously. No one's going to disturb you.

    12. You don't have to go through the trouble of introducing someone to your family and friends.

    13. If there is huge a time gap, then you're lucky again.

    14. When your friends talk about their significant others incessantly, it's so great to listen and not have to contribute, like, anything.

    15. Going on a long drive on a beautiful weekend would be a risk, so it's better left not done.

    16. All the couples around you have real life fights because they see each other all the time.

    17. Besides, couples that walk together being all perfect look stupid as fuck anyway.