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13 Things Babies Are Secretly Trying To Tell You

Babies aren't just all about their googoos and gagas. Babies as young as six months can understand a wide range of words, and IBM's 5 in 5 predicts it won't be long before technology will be able to translate what they're saying in response. But in the mean time, here are some guesses as to what a few babies are trying to say.

1. "I don't always wink, but when I do it's because my daddy just did."

2. "Can you believe those shoes Rashonda's wearing? They totally clash with her belt, jeez."

3. "I don't know why this guy's pressing his big fuzzy face against me, but this lady I don't mind as much."

4. "Gimme a goo! Gimme a ga! Goo goo ga ga!"

5. "I do love me a good half windsor."

6. "I'm not ready to live life out on the open sea though..."

7. "I was told there would be a prince charming here, but all I see is myself. I am not amused."

8. "I just looove what you've done with the decor."

9. "I feel a disturbance in the force."

10. "Orange totally brings out my eyes."

11. "If you say peekaboo one more time..."

12. "The secret to soft baby hair is drool. I drool on it twice daily to maintain its soft silky texture."

13. "See the taco. Feel the taco. Be one with the taco."

In the future we won't have to guess what babies are saying anymore. IBM's 5 in 5 predicts that computers will be able to interpret them for us.

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