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10 Of The Most Unusual Foods That People Actually Eat

And you thought vegetables were bad. We might not fully understand right now why people around the world eat everything on this list, but IBM's 5 in 5 predicts that in five years, a computer system will know what you like to eat better than you do. A system that analyzes flavor will determine the precise chemical structure of food and why people like it.

1. Silk Pupae

2. Durian

3. Seahorse

4. Horse Sashimi

5. Guinea Pig

6. Scorpions

7. Fried Spiders

8. Cactus

9. Starfish

10. Kiviak

If you thought the concept of Turducken was strictly an American invention, then think again. Kiviak is a traditional Inuit food from Greenland made from stuffing about 500 auk birds into an entire seal and then left to ferment under the ground for months. This pungent delicacy had the added effect of helping the Inuits combat vitamin deficiencies in their diet.

Why do people eat all these unusual foods?

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We might not fully understand right now why people around the world eat everything on this list, but IBM's 5 in 5 predicts that in five years, a computer system will know what you like to eat better than you do. A system that analyzes flavor will determine the precise chemical structure of food and why people like it.