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Holy Flaming Food On A Sword!

How does one make shish kebab even more amazing? Why, putting it on a flaming sword, of course! Take a peek at the delightful show and treat for the guests of the famous Pump Room in Chicago, and make sure to reserve your spot at the grand reopening soon!

  • Ed Sullivan is amazed at the flaming food in front of him!

  • Guests watch in awe at the fiery processional.

  • It was a spectacle to be seen!

    King crab meat is served on flaming swords!

  • It looks so delicious.

  • Though the flaming food served on a sword that was the Pump Room trademark during its golden era is sadly absent (due to city fire codes), the menu is now up to snuff serving Noguiers sophisticated interpretation of classic American cuisine. What does The Pump Room have in store? You'll just have to visit to find out!