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14 Motivational Kid Quotes Every Adult Needs To Hear

They're just so wise. Take note from these little guys, hop on your Huffy, and feel like a kid again!

1. For those who need a little motivation to keep them going:

2. For those who need to be reminded to dream big:


3. For those who feel pressure to conform to societal norms:

4. For those who care a little too much about what other people think:

5. For those who are just working too hard right now:

6. For those who feel the need to re-evaluate their priorities:

7. For those who are nervous to stand their ground when they need to:

8. For those who worry about looking silly if they mess up:

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9. For those who need someone to give them some tough love:

10. For those who try… and try… and try, but can't seem to get anywhere:

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11. For those who don't think their work is good enough:

12. For those who feel tempted to settle:

13. For those who feel like giving up sometimes:

14. For those who feel a little too wound up right about now:

And for those who need a break from life and a really good bike ride:

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