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10 Things You Don't Need To Be Doing On The Internet Right Now

Procrastinating is kinda awesome. When you're done screwing around, you should really do those taxes. File online with H&R Block — it's fast and easy.

1. Looking up your "symptoms" on WebMD.

2. Asking Yahoo! Answers the tough questions.

3. Stalking your ex on Facebook.

4. Or treating Facebook like it's Google.

5. Engaging in a "discussion" on YouTube.

6. Still typing that CAPTCHA code.

7. Reorganizing your toolbar.

8. Looking for advice from strangers.

9. Reading another Flappy Bird think piece.

10. Complaining on Twitter.

Am I the only one who didn't get an iPhone, IPad, or MacBook?

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11. Googling this:

12. Researching memes.

13. You definitely don't need to be looking at this GIF. Forever. And ever.

Stop procrastinating and do your taxes with H&R Block. It’s free & easy.