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12 Menu Items To Stop Ordering If You're Looking To Save A Buck

$18 for pasta? Never again! There are better ways to spend your tax refund, especially when you bring back the big bucks by using H&R Block.

Restaurants are businesses, and that's cool, but they've got some secret-y secrets, like the price of...

1. Pasta

2. The Second-to-least Expensive Bottle of Wine

Restaurants know your struggle. Second-to-least expensive bottles are usually marked up for this reason. Either keep it 100% trashy, or go in on the good stuff.

3. Eggs

4. Pizza (Sorry)

5. Guac

6. Salmon

7. To-go Coffees

You've been told before, and you'll be told again: Coffee is staining your wallet. Consider the overhead cost itself. By many estimates, cups cost double the actual coffee beans.

8. Iceberg Lettuce

9. Fancy Water

10. Potatoes (Fries)

11. White Truffles

12. Whatever's in the Top Right-hand Corner

Spend wisely! Your tax refund from H&R Block will be in your pocket soon enough.