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31 Things "Bob's Burgers" Can Teach You About Life, Family, And Butts

Let's be honest, the Belchers are the realest family on television. This show has so much heart.

1. It's okay to be emotional.

2. Beauty comes from within...

3. ...but sometimes you need to help family out.

4. It's good to know your comfort spots.

Relatedly, finding a good thrash spot is also important.

5. Sometimes it's nice to leave the house.

6. Unfortunately, cake won't cure everything.

7. Life is absurd. Just embrace it.

8. It's okay to not know things.

9. This is a completely normal response to a beautiful human.

10. Also normal:

11. And don't ever let anyone disrespect how hot your crush is.

12. Trash talk will make your life more colorful.

13. Mommy is allowed to have fun.

14. You should never be afraid to ask for what you want.

15. It's okay to admit that sometimes life can be a little lonely.

16. Family means being there for emotional support.

...and also providing an out when you need it.

17. Tradition is boring. Have a little fun with conventions.

18. Dancing is very good for the soul.

Dance like no one is watching!

Dance like everyone is watching!

19. It's important to stay grounded.

20. Communication is hard but you should put yourself out there sometimes.

21. If you ever need a confidence boost, just channel your inner Tina.

22. The world is full of mysteries.

Strange, strange mysteries.

...but don't say up all night stressing about it.

23. Relatedly, don't stress to much about the pressures of summer.

Just have fun the way you want to have fun.

24. Family is about support. Through everything.

(especially the weird things)

25. Don't ever let anyone define who you are.

26. At the end of the day, life is an absurd roller coaster.

27. It's okay to stop being a curmudgeon and just admit you have a soft side.

28. Where would we be if we didn't have each other?

29. Ultimately, family is what's most important.

30. And butts. Butts are also important. All butts — every size, shape, and form— are important.

31. Butts are life changing.