12 Strange, Secret, And Surreal Scottish Buildings You Must Visit

    There's much more to Scotland than haggis and whisky. H/T Abandoned Scotland.

    1. Kelburn Castle, Ayrshire

    2. The Dunmore Pineapple, Falkirk

    3. Abandoned nuclear shelter, Edinburgh

    4. Edinburgh University Anatomical Museum, Edinburgh

    5. Goblin Ha', East Lothian

    6. St Peter's Seminary, Cardross

    7. Scotland's Secret Bunker, Fife

    8. Rosslyn Chapel, Midlothian

    9. Castle Sinclair Girnigoe, Caithness

    10. The Garden of Cosmic Speculation, Dumfries

    11. Maeshowe, Orkney

    12. The secret tunnels of Inchindown, Ross-shire