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    20 Reasons Your Early 20s Suck

    Youth is wasted... blah blah blah. I'd rather be gracefully aged with my crazy cats and leather-bound books already.

    1. You still get carded at rated-R movies.

    2. You watch way too much television.

    3. You have a drinking problem.

    4. You feel betrayed by TSwift and her inaccurate portrayal of being 22.

    5. Turns out, your parents were painfully right about everything.

    6. You are likely wasting the athletic potential of your 20s.

    7. You have a lot of growing up to do.

    8. No one takes you seriously.

    9. You still have acne.

    10. Your friends are getting married.

    11. You are unsure of just about everything.

    12. You are in a constant state of transition, change and readjustment.

    13. You are unemployed more often than not.

    14. You finally understand every Phil Collins song.

    15. You are horribly aware of how unprepared you are for the real world.

    16. Learning "life lessons" is getting old pretty fast.

    17. You suffer three-times-a-week-pizza-induced malnutrition.

    18. Sometimes, you get randomly homesick.

    19. You're selfish and awkward and don't really understand the world.

    20. Face it; your early 20s sort of suck. But they can also be weirdly beautiful.