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Can You Figure Out These Scrabble Anagrams?

Think you're a Scrabble game pro? Check to see how many of these you can unscramble.

1. There are two seven-letter words for this combination of letters: RTILLAE. Do you know what they are?

2. There are five six-letter words in POTINCA.

3. There are also two seven-letter words in POTINCA.

4. There is one seven-letter word and one six-letter word in QTRLEIU.

5. There are also nine two-letter words in QTRLEIU if you can figure them out.

6. Can you figure out all 14 six-letter words in GALERSP?

7. What about the six six-letter words in LEODRLA?

8. What's the one seven-letter word in KAACRCJ?

9. And how about the five three-letter words in KAACRCJ?

10. And what are the five five-letter words in DEFENSE?

11. OK, last one -- what are the eight four-letter words in ZATLRGP?

All images BuzzFeed.

If you figured out most of these anagrams, you probably have trouble getting your family to play...because you're one seriously formidable Scrabble game opponent!

Get Your Family Game On and check out the official Scrabble Dictionary here in case anyone dares to challenge you.

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