23 Secrets Priceline Employees Will Never Tell You

    “It’s fucking August and we still have Easter eggs.”

    1. We feel like nocturnal animals forced into daylight every time we walk in to start our shift because the lights are so damn clinically bright.

    2. And when we finish our shift, we look insane trying to adjust back to natural lighting.

    3. We look forward to being given the responsibility to work the register, until we remember the perfume shelf is right by it.

    4. We soon discover that bright lights and Britney Spears Hidden Fantasy both bring on migraines.

    5. And now, thanks to those memories, we won't gift anyone a celebrity fragrance again.

    6. We spend a lot of time contemplating protein supplements.

    7. And vitamins have never been so fascinating when you’re 30 minutes into a six-hour shift and are already bored beyond belief.

    8. Our bathroom cabinets are basically like a mini-pharmacy thanks to our 10% staff discount.

    9. As for girls night? We've got the goods covered.

    10. No matter how shiny and ~new~ the makeup displays appear, trust us, do not use the testers.

    11. We really have no idea about actual medical things. That is the pharmacist’s job.

    12. But seriously, we love helping you with shelf products.

    13. Please do not, however, ask us to reach the top shelf for your specific hair dye. Have you seen how that thing is stacked?

    14. We inevitably rekindle our primary school Lip Smacker obsession.

    15. And bargain mascara becomes a collectable.

    16. Sale bins make us cringe.

    17. We don’t even bother trying to maintain a manicure because the countless cardboard boxes we're forced to wrestle with are the death of them.

    18. We’re often inspired to pursue a DIY phase across all areas of our personal admin routine.

    19. We can't deal when the manager asks us to "straighten the re-stock boxes" underneath all the shelves.

    "They are under the shelves so that no one can see them. What is the actual point of straightening them?"

    20. When it comes to actually restocking the shelves, however, we are anal retentive about aligning the products meticulously.

    21. We get so invested that nonsensical aspects of the store layout actually make us angry.

    22. We're also so over holiday seasons before they've even begun.

    23. And then holidays feel like they never end when we’re left with extra stock for what feels like eternity.