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    The Trials And Tribulations Of A Musical Theater Kid

    Ever imagined what it is like to be in a musical? Musical theater kids have it harder than it looks.

    There is a certain breed of person who gravitates towards musical theater. Those of us who do act, sing and dance on stage, but also through life.

    If not singing songs from our favorite musicals, there's a high possibility we will break into a tap routine right in the middle of a conversation, just because our feet have a mind of their own. We just love musical theater so much we can't stay still!

    The worst thing you can ask a musical theater kid is, "So what sport do you play?" You will most likely be given the cold shoulder as they stomp away muttering, "So what if I don't play a sport, musical theater is cool..."

    Musical theater kids get their dreams crushed often. We always rather reluctantly come to the realization, if ever, that we probably will NOT get our dream role 'this time' because we're the wrong gender, age, race, height, or have the wrong vocal range. Rejection never gets easy...

    [To Director]: "So, when is the cast list going up again?"

    The most stressful time for a musical theater kid is waiting for the cast list to be posted. The stress from waiting almost kills us! ***

    Even though musical theater kids may not play sports, we become quite athletic when the list is posted..

    If musical theater kids don't get the part they want, the odds are high that a friend will... in that case, the friend is to blame for this misfortune.

    Life as a pre-teen musical theater girl is usually difficult because the girls are always heads taller than those pre-pubescent boys. Ugh, can't wait for them to hit puberty and catch up with us in a few years!

    As the shock of losing your part sinks in, naturally, it is only right to turn to the person who robbed you and say through a clenched smile, "I'm so happy for you! You deserve it!" **

    Then, musical theater kids continue with, "I'm so excited to be in the ensemble! Since I was the lead in the last show, it's nice to give other kids a chance!"

    Suddenly show month is upon us and nothing is more important than getting to rehearsal on time. Punctuality becomes paramount because it is noticed and you will get more stage time if you're on time. (Or so you want to believe....)

    "Rehearsals are what we live for! School doesn't matter, right?"

    Even after just one rehearsal, you have already made life long friends who you will never ever forget! Definitely feeling the love!

    But, there is always that one new and inexperienced kid who just has to show off. There is no stopping them or dampening their spirits when they think they have a talent to share with everyone, be it playing piano or singing. *

    One perk of being a musical theater kid, is being guaranteed at least one kiss - well, stage kiss - in your life (it will probably be your first.)

    Musical theater kids don't take it well when others are insensitive to the way they communicate with each other. You will receive glares if you wish a theater kid "goodluck" rather than "break a leg."

    It's always exciting to be in a show and sometimes musical theater kids just get a little too excited when heading offstage after a scene. So excited that while the cast starts to sing a song, the only thing the audience hears is your voice because your mic hadn't been turned off yet. This is usually followed by some variation of, "Shoot, was my mic not off?!"

    Musical theater kids are very emotional and affectionate and hate being separated. You know its performance time when the after-show goodbyes are longer than the actual show itself. Theater kids know not to leave the theater until the theater staff stop giving subtle hints flat out tell them to leave so they can lock up.

    Hair is an important part of musical theater, and it is vital that you always have it perfect. However, this becomes difficult as after the show, you must then play hide and seek with the bobby pins in your hair. Hide and seek is the bobby pins' favorite game, and odds are you will not be able to find them all until a few days after the end of the last show.

    As show runs come to an end, it becomes a very emotional time. Beware of musical theater kids running at each other and embracing and crying like they won't ever see each other again (but don't worry, they will see each other at dance class the next day).

    Despite the kids' upcoming reunion the next day, post-show depression still manages to set in. Note: this can only be cured by the start of rehearsals for the next musical.

    Musical theater kids have it tougher than most people understand. There is the constant fear of never seeing their friends again as well as the importance and responsibility that comes with performing in a show, no matter what your part is. Their stress level is always high and it is amazing how they always manage to keep up with school and even squeeze in a few hours of sleep every night.

    Life may seem difficult, but it's all worth it, and musical theater kids wouldn't have it any other way.