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16 Travel Tips... As Told By Your Dad

Remember, Father knows best. Hampton has compiled Dad's wisdom so you can have the best/most efficient vacation ever!

1. "ALWAYS use the bathroom before you leave."

2. "If you're not in the car by 7 a.m., the day's already ruined."

3. "Before you pack, ask yourself: Do you really have to bring that much stuff?"

4. "Keep your luggage organized. You'll thank me later."

5. "If you don't get to the airport at least two hours early, YOU WILL MISS YOUR FLIGHT."

6. "There's no need to speed — the destination ain't going anywhere."

7. "Read every historical marker. It's better than any TV show!"

8. "Jorts are perfect for travel, as they allow for knee freedom while taking advantage of denim's breathability."

9. "For maximum security, keep your fanny pack securely strapped INSIDE your shirt."

10. "You only need to get one souvenir...

11. ...and make sure it's something useful, not just some junk that's gonna gather dust."

12. "Eat a big breakfast. You'll need your energy."

13. "Stay hydrated."

14. "Don't pick up hitchhikers."

15. "Bring back something nice for your mother."


And Dad always recommends getting a good night's sleep. Book a room with Hampton for a room that definitely has Dad's approval.