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12 Things We Didn't Realize Everyone Else Does In A Hotel Room, Too

You are not alone.

1. Flipping through every channel twice before even considering what to watch.

2. Taking super-long showers because you can.

3. Dancing wildly on the beds.

4. Epic pillow fights.

5. Forcing yourself out of bed to gorge on breakfast...

6. ...and then going right back to sleep.

7. Searching every inch of the room juuuust in case the previous guest left something cool.

8. Cranking the AC full blast, then cuddling beneath the blankets.

9. Calling the front desk just to say hi.

10. Keeping all your clothes folded all tidy-like (even though you never do that at home).

11. Watching the same movie twice because cable is awesome and it's on AGAIN!

12. Adding a few things to your massive "stolen hotel soaps" collection and feeling guilty about it for exactly no seconds.