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10 Folks Who Can Stay Cool In A Hot Situation

You might be sitting under five electric blankets right now but in just a few short months when temperatures soar, you're really going to want a powerfully cool blast. Here are a few people who remind us all how refreshing the cold can be any time of year. Have a look. And unwrap a powerfully cool sensation of your own with HALLS.

1. These kids know how to stay cool.

2. Hang out in an ice cream truck all day.

3. This horse who isn't gonna let a little hurricane get him down.

4. Or better yet take a nap in one.

5. Use a store's AC for free!

6. This baby elephant who goes hard at bath time.

7. These sweet siblings going for a soothing swim.

8. This polar bear who's enjoying his off season.

9. This toasty pup who knows how to cool down.

10. And of course, ice cream.