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15 Super Fast Things 4G Is Faster Than

Now that we FINALLY have 4G we can tell you how amazingly fast it really is.

1. Faster than they can pump out Now That's What I Call Music CDs.

2. Faster than it takes this baby to get his drink on.

3. Faster than it takes Ryan Reynolds to ruin a superhero movie.

4. Faster than this bear's heart rate.

5. Faster than it took Draw Something to become uncool.

6. Faster than Jon Hamm's beard growth when they call cut on Mad Men.

7. Faster than your AWWWW response to this photo.

8. Faster than Liam Neeson will find you, and will kill you.

9. Faster than it takes to catch a white person.

10. Faster than it takes Sean Bean to die in everything.

11. Faster than you when you see this.

12. Faster than it'll take this guy to kill us all.

13. Faster than it takes dudes to go gay for this guy.

14. Faster than a hipster's playlist changes.

15. Faster than you at 5 o'clock on a Friday.