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11 Ways To Upcycle Your Water During The Drought

Don't let the drought leave you high and dry. Use these tips and do your part to Shock the Drought.

1. Water potted plants with kitchen sink water from washing veggies and doing dishes.

2. Use hot pasta water to clean your toilet.

Just add a thimble of bleach to it and pour it in your toilet tank and bowl. The heat and bleach will disinfect. Afterwards, flush it and save even more water.

3. Build a rainwater collection unit.

4. Plug your drain during the shower every morning and then bail out your water to bucket-flush your toilet for the rest of the day.

Learn how to bucket-flush here. Be sure to drain what you don't use at the end of each day. It's not sanitary to let gray water stand for long periods of time.

5. Collect and reuse your warm-up water.

6. Run your discharge hose from your washing machine to your backyard, and use the rinse water to water plants...

Please note: Your washing machine will need to be uphill from your plants — because gravity. If that's a struggle, elevate the washer, then drain the hose into a watering pale you can cart outside. Just be sure to use the water that day; it's unsanitary to let it sit for long periods of time.

7. ...or build a simple containment system that allows you to upcycle soapy water into the next wash.

8. Take a bath with your dog.

9. Or suds up in the shower with your S.O.

10. Place a bucket under your bathroom sink's U-pipe and fill a bucket while performing your nightly routine.

11. Lastly, if you want to get really serious, install a permanent gray water system in your home.

All images courtesy of Thinkstock.

This drought sucks. Let's do something about it. Learn all the ways that you can Shock the Drought today.

Please note: Gray water usage regulations vary by city, county, and state. Please check to find out which water-saving solutions are legal in your area.