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Top 10 Worst Celeb Endorsements

With all their money, you would think celebrities would make better choices about what they should endorse. But if they're going to embarrass themselves, they can at least save some dignity by checking their credit score with

1. Jerry Seinfeld and Microsoft

2. Mr T and the FlavourWave Oven Turbo

3. Hulk Hogan and the Ultimate Grill

4. Heidi Klum And Fruit Flirtations

5. Ben Stiller & Chu Hi

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While you thought Ben was simply starring in films, he was also selling alcoholic beverages on the other side of the world. Here’s one endorsement you may have never know existed. Well played, Ben.

6. The Kardashian Card

7. Carnie Wilson And The Fresh Diet

8. Kathy Lee Gifford And Wal-Mart

9. Ozzy Osbourne And I Can't Believe It's Not Butter

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Not exactly the first celebrity that you would think of when you think of butter. Perhaps Fabio would have been a better choice?

10. Everything Paris Hilton Has Ever Endorsed