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14 Living Nightmares All Germophobes Experience

How much are a pair of gloves this time of year? It’s a scary world out there, but at least you can chew Orbit Gum for a just brushed clean feeling!

1. Having to use public transportation to get anywhere.

2. The fear of having to go to the bathroom anywhere that isn't your house.

3. Or worse, going to the bathroom and realizing the soap dispenser is empty.

4. The shared snacks at your friend's party.

5. Sports in general.

6. Anytime anyone sneezes ever.

7. Whenever you cross paths with a "hugger."

8. Pretty much every door.

9. Two words: Salad. Bar.

10. Whenever you introduce yourself to anyone.

11. Working out at the gym and trying not to touch any of the machines.

12. Attending any event with live music.

13. Whenever you're forced to stay in a hotel and refuse to touch the bed.

...or the drawers, or the bathroom, or the floor...

14. And finally, any public pool.

Make sure to chew Orbit Gum to give you a just brushed clean feeling!

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