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13 Highly Important Facts About Avocados

The only thing you need to know about avocados is that they are #flawless. But, all right, here are a few more facts, brought to you by Avocados From Mexico.

1. In 2000, people ate around eight million pounds of avocados during that big ol' football game in February.

2. Avocados are widely used as a rejuvenating facial cream.

3. Avocados only ripen once they're off the tree.

4. What even is an avocado? A veggie? A fruit? A... legume? What?

5. Avocados grow year-round. But only in tropical and subtropical climates.

Praise be to the relentless avocado tree.

6. The earliest evidence of avocados being first eaten is in Central Mexico around 8000 B.C. (We think.)

7. Avocado trees can't pollinate by themselves. If they're gonna bear fruit, they need another avocado tree nearby.

8. Some fun translations of "avocado" include: alligator pear, butter fruit, cheese pear, and — here's the weirdest — lawyer.

The lawyer thing comes from sloppy translations of the Spanish word "abogado." The French turned it into "avocat," which means "lawyer."

9. If you put your avocados in a paper bag with other fruits, the natural ethylene gas will make them ripen faster.

10. And if you leave an avocado pit in your bowl of fresh guacamole, it won't brown as quickly.

11. You learned earlier that avocados are berries, right? Well that means that they are a killer smoothie ingredient.

12. This genius contraption exists:

13. When you take the seed out of an avocado, there's a void. We call that "nature's bowl." Fill it.

With tasty things!

Did you know that Mexico is the only country with four avocado growing seasons?

That's why Avocados From Mexico are fresh and delicious 365 days a year.