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10 Simple Tips To Start Your Morning Off Right

Let's do this! And at Dunkin' Donuts, you can actually get rewarded for starting your day off right thanks to DD Perks!

1. Drink a cold glass of water upon waking.

2. Steam your clothes from your daily shower.

3. Prepare your outfits at the beginning of the week.

4. Position your alarm clock where it forces you to get out of bed.

5. Awaken by a peaceful alarm clock.

6. Spray a solution of 3:1 vinegar to water onto your car's windshield the night prior to prevent icing

7. Brush your teeth in the shower.

8. Clean up with some dry shampoo!

9. Put your keys, wallet, and phone in your work bag, and place it by the door next to your shoes.

10. Create a playlist that is exactly the amount of time needed to get ready.

Need one more handy tip? Head to your local Dunkin’ Donuts and get rewarded with DD Perks!