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18 Steampunk Decor Flourishes That Will Make Any Room Badass

If your home is looking a little basic, steampunk is exactly what you need to kick it up a gear.

1. This Edison wall lamp made of pipes.

2. This aviation table.

3. This stained glass kaleidoscope.

4. This vault door.

5. These copper pipe candlestick holders.

6. This laser light.

7. This old-school thermostat and clock combo.

8. This geared-out video game controller.

9. This vintage computer setup.

10. This clock made almost solely of gears.

11. This apothecary-inspired counter.

12. This intricate USB flash drive.

13. This pipe-fitted sewing machine.

14. This birdcage window.

15. This overhead steel pulley lamp.

16. This coffee table made of gears.

17. This varnished wooden box.

18. This copper pipe bookshelf.

Want more? Then watch 10 makers compete to create steampunk designs on Steampunk'd, All New Wednesdays at 9|8C Only on GSN.