22 Tweets About Funerals You'll Feel OK Laughing At

    It might feel wrong, but it's not.


    *stomps feet twice and claps over and over until everyone at the funeral is doing it* "we will...we will..miss you"


    [Speaking at funeral] We made it guys it's Friday


    [at a funeral] We should do a jumping photo


    [at funeral] "my phone is vibrating" want me to create a distraction so you can answer it? "no, are you craz- *points at casket* HE BLINKED


    *the "i like to move it move it" song plays as my casket is lowered*


    [my son giving the eulogy at my funeral] My dad once told me *he pauses to wipe away tears* the world is gonna roll me i aint the sharpest t


    At my funeral play the Super Mario original theme until my casket is lowered in the ground then play the underground music


    [organist plays take me out to the ballgame] Priest: sir this is a funeral show some respect [plays take me out to the ballgame slower]


    SUUUPER last minute invite but my funeral is today


    at my funeral don't let anybody say my spirit is among you - i will NOT be there i have better things to do


    Trent! It's your cousin Marvin. Marvin Reznor! Know that sound you've been looking for? I think I found it! *holds phone up to funeral*


    I hope when I die ppl are like she coulda been so famous... she didn't tho. decided 2 just kick back n fuckin chillax instead. RIP


    My funeral instructions to my family were to have me cremated, and I told my best friends under no circumstances should I be cremated.


    JERRY SEINFELD [eulogizing my funeral]: WHAT is the DEAL with MASSIVE HEART FAILURE


    all milk comes from a boob, y'know. that milk in your coffee? boob. what? no, i didn't know the deceased, my car broke down outside


    A good comeback when someone doesn't believe you're a time traveler is "Yeah well nobody cried at your funeral."


    At my funeral hope everybody throws Kraft singles onto my coffin instead of dirt


    *at a funeral* haha. they should have provided SOUL food, lol. *nudges crying lady next to me* hey. they should have had SOUL food here haha


    *leans into the microphone at a funeral* does anybody know the wifi password?


    [funeral] ME: Grandpa loved 2 things; jazz and football. So this is my tribute to him [I take a step back & solemnly drop kick a saxophone]


    When I die please play the Backstreet Boys at my funeral I want it that way


    For anyone still considering getting close to me, fair warning that I'm the kind of guy who keeps a Google Doc of insane funeral requests