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12 Reasons Finding A Doctor Is Just Like Online Dating

If you really think about it, it's pretty much the exact same thing.

1. Before you even meet your doctor, you must fill out your paperwork. Some questions are pretty standard...

2. ...while other questions are a little more in-depth, so your doctor can fully understand your history.

3. After seeing all your options and selecting your top choices, you must figure out which doctor is best for you.

4. Before you make a final decision, you do a little research on them to make sure they're legit.

5. And once you've made your decision, you go for it and book an appointment.

6. Sure, your nerves are up since your last check-up was years ago, but everyone assures you it's all for the best.

7. Of course, you have to look your best for your doctor to prove you know how to take care of yourself.

8. Before your exam with your new doctor, you're nervously sitting in the waiting room for your name to be called.

9. Now, you just met your doctor, so you might hold back some embarrassing info to give off a "good impression."

10. But as the appointment goes on, you begin to get a little more comfortable, because doctors don't judge, right?

11. And once they answer all your embarrassing questions and assure you that you're healthy, it's a done deal.

12. And you know you've found the doctor you'll be going to for a very long time.

But if you aren't prepared (a.k.a. don't have insurance) your amazing doctor date might be doomed form the start.