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16 Reasons Why Gravity Is Basically The Best Thing Ever

Hats off to gravity, because if we didn’t have it our hats wouldn’t be on in the first place. Celebrate #GravityDay with some fun facts about earth’s favorite force.

1. It shows plants how to grow.

2. But it can’t overpower the ‘stache.

3. It gives us a sense of balance.

4. ...which allows you to shred!

5. It keeps the atmosphere on the planet


7. It gives us the tides.

8. So you can bodysurf!

9. It keeps toasters from becoming deadly bread-guns.

10. It keeps everything orbiting.

11. It made Saturn’s rings.

12. It makes pogo-sticks possible.

13. It made the stars first burst into light

14. It changes the passage of time.

15. It made...the universe.

16. But most importantly, it makes sleeping so comfy.

Hope that wasn't too heavy for you. Head over to our Tumblr to help us celebrate #GravityDay!