23 Things You'll Only Understand If You're The Mum Of Your Friend Group

    No matter how drunk you get, you're still the responsible one that makes sure everyone's OK.

    1. You pride yourself on being really good at cheering people up when they're sad.

    2. You brag about your friends' achievements like a proud mum would.

    3. Your friends regularly go to you for advice.

    4. And you've been known to be an awesome listener.

    5. You somehow have the cure for any ailment your friends are suffering from.

    6. No matter how drunk you get, you're still the responsible one who makes sure everyone's OK.

    7. You can't help but be super defensive if anyone tries to mess with your friends.

    8. Your bag is part pharmacy, part jumble sale, and is the size of a small child because of it.

    I have everything apart from school stuff in my school bag

    9. Which means your friends can count on you to have painkillers, chewing gum, or hand lotion at any given point.

    So my bag is basically a pharmacy...

    Maybe even snacks too.

    10. You feel compelled to ask your friends if they're OK at random intervals.

    11. You love a good schedule.

    12. Which means you're usually the one to organise everything with your friends.

    13. Your justification for doing many seemingly needless tasks is always "just in case".

    14. Some of your hobbies might not be considered the ~coolest~.

    A Fraser Lonesome, kitty cuddles, knitting kinda night! #VGA #CowichanWool

    15. You're sometimes regarded as "the stingy one".

    16. It's an automatic response for you to say "text me when you get home!" when you part from someone.

    @sonnyharrison_ @markmccarthyy Why am I such a Mum 😭

    17. You prefer a night in with a glass of wine than a night out with some watered-down vodka shots.

    when everyone else at school is out partying... I'm getting drunk with my cat

    18. You make sure to grab napkins, straws, and cutlery for everyone on the table when you go to restaurants with your friends.

    19. You can always tell when someone needs a hug.

    20. A sign of a successful day is if you're in bed by 10pm.

    21. Because, of course, it's very important to get a good amount of sleep.

    22. It's not that you're always right, you just regularly are.

    23. Because, let's face it, every friend group needs an unofficial mum to make it complete.