24 Things You'll Only Understand If You Met Your BFF In Primary School

    Started from the bottom, now we here.

    1. All your fondest memories together are from the ages 3–11.

    glad I've had them as best friends since primary school 😊💗 @emilyyyjo00 @jrkaurich8

    You regularly reminisce about when times were simpler and your biggest concern was whether you'd sit together at lunchtime.

    2. And it's very likely that your friendship began over gel pens and Pokémon cards.

    3. Or the hilarious times you had at Brownies or Scouts.

    Today I found my old brownies sash and apparently I got my first chess badge. I have no idea how to play chess.

    4. You've been there through every stage of each other's lives, including the "ugly duckling" phase and the "awkward teen" phase.

    5. You've known each other so long that you're more like family.

    6. And you can sometimes get on each other's nerves like family too.

    7. You still refer to each other using the nicknames you made up in primary school.

    8. And you still know all the words to the clap songs you used to play at playtime.

    9. At least one of you enjoyed a birthday at Laser Quest, which has a special place in both of your hearts.

    10. And every birthday you remark on how long it's been and how old you're getting.

    11. Of course, no birthday message is complete without a "then" and "now" picture.

    12. In fact, whenever you and your BFF get together it's an occasion for comparison.

    13. Somewhere someone still has that one class picture you took in year 4.

    14. Or the love letters you used to make for each other in class.

    i just found this card from my friend in primary school,, we were friends for years and she spelled my name wrong

    They were basically a work of art.

    15. Swapping "Me to You" trinkets was the ultimate display of affection back in primary school.

    16. But now you show your affection by lurking on each other's social media accounts.

    17. You still update each other on the random happenings of your old classmates.

    18. You know each other so well that it's almost impossible to hide a secret from one another.

    19. But because you've known them since primary school, hearing about their intimate lives can sometimes be a bit too much.

    20. Whenever one of you embarks on a new life event, you're filled with overwhelming pride.

    21. Even though you may have gone to separate secondary schools or universities, you've always kept in contact.

    22. And your friendship remains the same.

    23. Because your primary school BFF is the one who knows your most embarrassing stories, including that time you pissed yourself in assembly.

    24. And frankly, they know way too much.