21 Pictures That Are Way Too Real For People Who Are Always Tired

    It hurts to keep my eyes open.

    1. When the thought of doing anything that requires actual effort puts you to sleep.

    2. And even the simplest of tasks seems too much.

    3. When you start pleading with your alarm clock because you are 100% not ready to get out of bed.

    4. When someone states the obvious and tells you that you "look tired".

    5. And they make the mind-blowing suggestion that you "should just go to bed earlier".

    6. When your mum threatens to pull you out of bed if you don't get up for school, but you still won't budge.

    7. When your friend asks why you're so upset and there's literally only one reason it could be.

    I just wanna be in bed! Is that too much to ask?

    8. When you're falling asleep in class, but you still wanna make it look like you're listening.

    9. When you get the best kind of sext there is.

    10. When you wake up on a Monday and remember your responsibilities.

    11. And no amount of coffee is enough to cure your fatigue.

    12. When you wake up after a nap that was five hours longer than expected.

    13. When all of your ability to do basic functions is ruined by your insatiable need for slumber.

    14. When you don't want anybody to know just how exhausted you actually are, so you try to put on a brave face.

    15. When your superpower is being able to sleep anytime, any place.

    16. When people misinterpret your tiredness for being boring.

    17. When you're beginning to doze off and someone asks if you're sleeping.

    "Huh? No, no, I'm awake, carry on."

    18. When your friends plan to do an activity that involves waking up any earlier than 11am.

    19. When you have no idea how anyone could be a morning person when there's such a thing as lie-ins.

    20. When you're the first person to fall asleep during a film and this is how they find you:

    21. And when someone suggests an "all-nighter".