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14 Facts About Movies That You Won't Believe Are True

Here are some facts about movies that will make you question everything you know to be true. But here's something we know as fact: Movie day is awesome! It's just as delightful as GEICO customer service.

1. The word "Vader" is Dutch for "Father."

2. E.T.'s face was inspired by poet Carl Sandburg, Albert Einstein, and a pug dog.

3. Did you know that the cop in Hook was actually Phil Collins?


4. The line "Play it again, Sam" is never actually said in the movie Casablanca, despite what pop culture tells you.

5. The scene in It's a Wonderful Life where George is about to jump off the bridge was filmed in 90-degree weather. That's why James Stewart is visibly sweating, even though it's "snowing" in the scene.

6. In the end credits of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, there is a blurb that states, "No dragons were harmed in the making of this movie."

7. In The Wizard of Oz, Toto was paid $125 a week.

8. The original Space Jam website hasn't been updated since 1996.

9. The Dark Knight was the first Batman movie not to have "Batman" in its title.

10. Ferris Bueller's parents in the movie got married in real life after they met each other on set!

11. The DeLorean in Back to the Future was almost going to be a fridge.

12. When Pierce Brosnan was under contract to play James Bond, he wasn't allowed to wear a tuxedo in any non-Bond movie.

13. Prince Humperdinck from The Princess Bride voices Jack Skellington in The Nightmare Before Christmas.

14. The mother and father in Coming to America also voiced the mother and father in The Lion King.

Mind blown.

And now's a delightful time to watch a movie!

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