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12 Things All Female Sports Fans Understand

If you're a die-hard sports fan who also happens to be a lady, you get it. At least with Garnier, you'll have #OneLessGirlProblem.

1. Missing the two-point conversion because some dude is loudly mansplaining what the goal post is for to you.

2. Because guys just generally love trying to explain the rules to you.

3. Hearing this question: "Are you into sports because of your dad or your boyfriend?"

4. Discovering that all the jerseys in women's sizes are irritatingly in pink.

5. Dealing with people who think you're into a player just because he's cute.

6. And guys quiz you about your team because they don't believe that you're a legit fan.

7. People judge you when you get super into the game.

8. You want to talk about the game with your girlfriends, but none of them get it.

9. You're not invited to join the fantasy league at work because everyone assumes you're not that big of a fan.

10. How about when you tell a guy you're watching the game, and his response is, "That's hot."

11. And everyone expects you to bring snacks to the game because "that's what girls do..."

12. Guys just get kind of awkward when you watch sports with them, to be honest.

And they also expect that you won't want to come to outdoor games because... "you might ruin your hair." But you can handle it.

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While die-hard female sports fans will likely always have to put up with annoying comments from guys, at least with Garnier, they’ll have #OneLessGirlProblem.