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14 Things Your Dad Is Doing To Take Years Off Your Life

Can you really die of embarrassment? Inspired by Dads, premiering Tuesday September 17 at 8/7c on FOX.

1. Trying to DIY.

2. Making the same face in every. Single. Easter picture.

3. Reinforcing your worst fears.

4. Getting his groove on in public

5. Occasionally trying to drown you.

6. Getting a little too comfortable when he visits.

7. Single-handedly making sure photobombing never dies.

8. Becoming a fashion guru.

9. "Teaching" you to skateboard.

10. "Cooking" you dinner.

11. Starting a blog devoted to his experimental facial hair.

12. Refusing to go half way in a pillow fight.

13. Betraying your trust.

14. Going in for the kiss. In public.