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19 Problems All Tidy People Will Recognise

You're cursed with a sixth sense for seeing empty packets.

1. You live your life constantly pushing chairs under tables.

2. You are forever clearing surfaces of empty packets.

3. You don't understand how someone can be in a state of mind where they put an empty container back in the fridge.

4. You find it difficult to relax in a messy room.

5. Mess just stresses you out generally.

6. Sometimes it feels like everyone else is blind, and you're the only person who sees mess.

7. When other people clean, it's usually not to your standards.

8. You can't leave the house until you've made your bed.

9. You're always trying to find away to tell someone to tidy their stuff up without sounding like you're nagging.

10. You've had quite a lot of practice at trying to sound super casual, when actually it's the third time you've asked someone to take the bin out.

11. You've considered leaving passive aggressive notes more than once.

12. But usually you just end up doing the chore yourself.

13. People don't seem to understand that you don't actually enjoy cleaning, you just hate mess.

14. You get seriously grossed out by old food in sinks.

15. And any kind of mould.

16. It sort of offends you when people dump all their stuff on tables.

17. You have to try and stop yourself from judging messy people.

18. You're scared to think what your house would look like if you didn't live in it.

19. Sometimes you wonder if it's you that's weird, and maybe you should just chill out a little.

But that thought quickly disappears when you can finally enjoy your perfectly, clean home.