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    27 GIFs Depicting Your Love Life (Or Lack There Of)

    The only things we were meant to love were food, celebrities and fictional characters but there's still hope.

    1. This is your love life

    2. Because you spend a lot of time on the internet and obsess over fictional characters

    3. Which is fine, because you're probably really interesting to talk to

    4. But this is how everyone else feels

    5. So you develop this anti-couple exterior

    6. But on the inside you really feel like this

    7. Because when you're with friends, it's like

    8. Which just shoves this little fact in your face

    9. Problem is, fictional couples have really given you high expectations on "love"

    10. So you think you should probably

    11. But you won't, because everyone deserves to have a made-for-TV relationship

    12. It just hasn't happened for you yet

    13. Which makes you think

    14. Because

    15. And the one person you like is largely uninterested

    16. Or a fictional character

    17. Or a celebrity

    18. But, whatever

    19. Now you'll just have to resort to more desperate measures

    20. Plus, at least your fictional relationship with your favorite celebrity is still going strong

    21. And you'll always have your computer

    22. Plus, don't forget food

    23. Food will always be there for you

    24. And you will always be there for food

    25. So just hold your head up high because

    26. And you know that

    27. And one day someone is going to be lucky enough to see it too