You Won't Believe What The New Cleveland Browns Logo Looks Like

    After much anticipation, the Cleveland Browns have unveiled their brand new logo for 2015. At first I was surprised. Then I was amazed. By the end, my entire life had changed.

    Here is the old Cleveland Browns logo. Understated and tasteful, but very 2014. This is not a logo that is going to work well in the second half of the 'teens.

    But times have changed. The world has changed. Cleveland has changed.

    Without further ado HERE is the brand new Browns logo for a new era.

    It is very .... how to put it .... #ff3c00

    Let's compare and contrast!

    The old, boring, antiquated, desiccated 2014 logo.

    The new, vibrant, exciting, 2015 logo.

    Congratulations on your new logo, Browns!