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19 Words That Have A Totally Different Meaning When You’re An Introvert

Alone time is the only time that matters, really.

1. "Weekend"

2. "Daydream"

3. "Beach"

4. "Happy Hour"

5. "Enthusiasm"

6. "Surprise!"

7. "Rude"

8. "Quiet"

9. "All-nighter"

10. "Spontaneous"

11. "Flirting"

12. "How Are You?"

13. "Party"

14. "Making New Friends"

15. "Friends"

16. "Guilty"

17. "Alone Time"

What it usually means: The worst thing ever. Sad, really.

What it means to an introvert: Something you crave every damn day.

18. "Home"

19. "Introvert"