22 Inspirational Messages From The West Coast To The People In Blizzard Juno

    On the bright side, think of all the sunscreen you're saving!

    1. "Things could be worse. You could be stuck on that train from Snowpiercer."

    2. "Think of all the sunscreen you're saving!"

    3. "We are jealous! We are sick and tired of so much sunshine. (It's so hot in L.A.)"

    4. "Think of all the Netflix you're about to watch!"

    5. "You can hole up in a movie theater and watch The Boy Next Door 50 times!!!"

    6. "Warm wishes"

    7. "Just because it's Christmas"

    "(And at Christmas, you tell the truth)"

    "I love you. (And don't touch the yellow snow.)"

    8. "Channel your inner Elsa"

    9. "I was once like you, but then I moved to L.A."

    10. "At least it's not a hurricane!!!"

    11. "Think of all the festive winter Instas! Blizzard 4 the Insta!"

    12. "On the bright side, you don't have to be swimsuit-ready anytime soon!"

    13. "Wait, so you guys like, all get to work from home? WTF? #sundays"

    14. "Stay home. Keep warm. Drink. And wait. It will be over soon."

    15. "Just think of all the Frozen cosplay opportunities."

    16. "Now's a good time to binge watch Breaking Bad!!"

    17. "I'll lend you my Netflix password!"

    18. "Spend more uncomfortable time with loved ones"

    19. "Snuggle up with a big bottle of wine!"

    20. "Mother nature has NOT forsaken you! #staystrong"

    21. "You can finish that memoir you never started."

    22. "It could be worse... You could be sweating and sunburnt in January"