21 Things That Would Be Cool About Being A Dude

    Speaking as a lady who desperately wishes she could piss out a campfire.

    1. Growing facial hair.

    2. Peeing standing up.

    3. Never having to wait for the bathroom.

    4. Using pockets instead of a purse to hold our things.

    Attn. fashion designers: Make deeper pockets for us ladydudes.

    5. Parenting a child without giving actual birth.

    6. Avoiding this once every few weeks.

    Srsly tho.

    7. Wearing comfortable shoes to formal events.

    8. Having low-low-low maintenance haircuts.

    9. Having no societal pressure to shave our legs.

    10. Or, ya know...

    11. Doing a less conspicuous Walk Of Shame.

    12. Attending winter weddings without fearing for our limbs.

    13. Accessorizing with ties.

    14. Covering up a bad hair day with a hat without it looking suspicious.

    15. Walking down the street without getting harrassed about our appearance.

    Does catcalling ever work? Ever?!

    16. Walking home alone at night without freaking the fuck out at every twig snap.

    17. Having relaxed fit underwear options.

    18. Not having to wear a bra at work.

    19. Tanning our buppies at the beach.

    20. Running upstairs without THIS happening:

    21. Being considered sexy without having to take our clothes off.

    I'm looking at you, magazine covers everywhere.