36 Gifs That'll Make You Say "Whoa"

    "Whoa." — You, after reading this post.

    1. A tattoo needle in slow motion:

    2. A baseball being crushed:

    3. A clock that writes the time:

    4. A helicopter's blade frequency synchronized with a camera's shutter speed:

    5. A time lapse of tendrils finding support:

    6. Blowing out multiple candles with a single burst of air:

    7. A dog drinking water in slow motion:

    8. A time lapse of a day in the arctic summer, when the sun does not set:

    9. A pitcher throwing a breaking ball in slow motion:

    10. A time lapse of fans leaving a stadium:

    11. A mimic octopus camouflaging with its surrounding:

    12. A secret backyard swimming pool:

    13. A time lapse of braces straightening teeth:

    14. Blood mixing with snake venom:

    15. Freezing supercooled water.

    16. A spider crab molting its shell in one piece:

    17. A neodymium magnet manipulating a television screen:

    18. The formation of an enormous soap bubble:

    19. A bisection of a key opening a lock:

    20. A water drop bouncing on the surface of water in slow motion:

    21. A drag racer's tire:

    22. A straight pole passing through a curved opening:

    23. The movement on a perfectly shot soccer ball:

    24. A tree falling during a storm:

    25. A time lapse of a pinecone blooming:

    26. Seven thousand fireworks accidentally being shot off at once:

    27. A motorbike traveling across the surface of water:

    28. A time lapse of a storm approaching a city:

    29. Damien Walters running a full loop in slow motion:

    30. The underside of a wave:

    31. Cutting open a watermelon with rubber bands:

    32. An orange peel versus an open flame:

    33. The 13 circles that make up Twitter's logo:

    34. A way to skateboard up stairs:

    35. A time lapse of an aging woman:

    36. And this: