An Arbitrary Ranking Of Demetri Martin's Visual Jokes

    "How fast does a zebra have to run before it turns gray?"

    23. The lifecycle of an R:

    22. Change machine:

    21. Ship in bottle:

    20. Shapes:

    19. A circle with two lines:

    18. Pie chart:

    17. Wall of China:

    16. Mug:

    15. Drawing mountains:

    14. The alphabet:

    13. Head in hands:

    12. Starfish:

    11. Softball:

    10. Love:

    9. Magician's to-do list:

    8. A-hole:

    7. Self portrait:

    6. GPA vs. Limbs:

    5. Ants, bears, people:

    4. Skull & crossbones:

    3. Circles and letters:

    2. CD or boob:

    1. Success:

    For more Demetri Martin drawings check out his books Point Your Face At This and This Is A Book.