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    Energy from the Sun to Earth

    Energy from the Sun to Earth is one of the abundant source of renewable green energy on earth today. Being an intermittent source of energy, research is currently ongoing on how solar energy.

    Energy from the Sun to Earth

    Energy from sunlight is one of the abundant source of renewable green energy on earth today. Being an intermittent source of energy, research is currently ongoing on how solar energy can be stored through conversion to other forms of energy.

    Currently, most companies dealing with the manufacture of electronics have invested in research on the development of efficient and low cost machines that will utilize solar power. This is with the sole aim of providing machines to people who can't access electricity and reduce the over reliance on electricity. Most companies have come up with small appliances that are solar powered. Such appliances include laptops notebooks, radios and flashlights that are solar powered.

    Solar energy can simply be defined as a renewable form of energy that is harnessed from the sun by using solar panels. Solar energy is transmittable directly or indirectly. It is transmitted directly through the use of photovoltaics. Most small and medium appliances have photovoltaic panels that enable this transmission.

    Solar energy power is transmitted indirectly through Concentrating Solar Power (CSP). Concentrating energy from sunlight can either involve boiling water and then using it to generate electricity or use sterling engine dishes to power a generator which in turn will generate electricity.

    Advancement in technology has led to the development of new models of solar panels. These panels have vastly improved the efficiency of solar power. About 45% of the solar power being harnessed today is readily being converted to electricity which can be used for various uses.

    High storage capacitors have also been developed that have the ability to store this energy once it has been harnessed. Most of this energy can be used for domestic purposes such as lighting and powering appliances that do not consume large amounts of electricity.

    Despite of solar power being an intermittent form of energy, it has often proven to be a reliable, and sustainable form of energy. It is a more reliable form of energy compared to wind energy and hydro power which are dependent on the availability of wind and water. In cases of drought, manufacturing of electricity through hydro power will not be possible due to lack of water.

    Due to the inception of new technologies, solar panels have become cheaper to install and maintain. The solar panels being developed currently have improved durability and require little maintenance. With solar energy, you don't expect a bill at the end of the month due to the usage since solar power is free.

    Solar energy is environmentally friendly. It does not pollute the environment as when you are using fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are known to produce gases such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen dioxide when burnt. These gases pollute the environment. Solar generators used in the generation of solar energy do not produce noise as most of the power generators that use fossil fuels.

    Solar energy has proven over the years to be one of the most efficient green form of energy to use. With the current ongoing research on solar power, we expect to see better changes in solar power harnessing and usage in the near future.