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25 Reactions Anyone With Road Rage Has Had


1. When you finally pull up next to the person who wouldn't let you over for the last 20 minutes.

2. When someone cuts you off. And then slows down.

3. When someone cuts you off, period.

4. When you see two people actually get out of their cars to settle a road rage battle.

5. When someone can't maintain a speed, and you end up having to do 95 to pass them.

6. When people are beeping at you for not driving the EXACT second the light turns green.

7. When someone takes up two parking spaces.

8. When you see signs for construction ahead, and you're already running late for something.

9. When people go slower than the speed limit. ESPECIALLY in the fast lane.

10. When you see adorable bumper sticker combos, like "Princess Bitch" and "My Child Is An Honor Student At..."

11. When people slow down to see an accident, causing a huge back-up on the road.

12. Bikers.

13. Pedestrians who take their damn time.

14. When the person in front of you refuses to turn right on red.

15. Slow people driving in general.

16. When you turn down the same street as a school bus, and you realize fate has caught up with you.

17. When people think that putting on their flashers means they can stop their car anywhere, anytime.

18. When you get into an awkward stop sign "who should go now?" dance.

19. When your friend is driving, and they are a total pushover on the road.

20. When you get into a honking battle with someone.

21. And they call you out at the next light but don't expect you to actually look/respond.

22. When people lose all driving ability at the slightest sign of rain or snow.

23. When you let someone merge in traffic and they don't do the unofficial -- but necessary -- "thank you" wave.

24. When someone puts their blinker on... five miles before their turn.

25. And when someone doesn't use a blinker at all.