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    Critical Critique Of Gotham 1x19: "Beasts Of Prey"

    On April 13th, Gotham returned with the first of the last four new episodes left in Season One, but that doesn't mean it was perfect. Here are the "critical" issues with Gotham 1x19 "Beasts of Prey."

    - Do these people just leave helicopters lying around? I mean, it doesn't make sense. It's a temptation, and don't you need the body parts?

    - Is this a place of torture or a nursing home? I swear, I have seen a lot of old people here. Then again, they're both kind of the same thing. Oh well.

    - There's a Recovery Suite? I don't know about you, but that just sounds shady.

    - No one hears Fish smash that lock? There aren't even any security cameras?

    - But there's an alarm, at least, yet what is supposed to happen next? Just annoy people to death and make their ears bleed while you escape? Aren't there supposed to be guns, or tanks, or---- nevermind, the gun-wielding troupe showed up.

    - This gun-wielding troupe is supposed to strike fear into me, but I'm just distracted.

    - The leader is VERY observant. Fish is OBVIOUSLY outside.

    - There's a lot of awkward tension in this one scene.

    - Those slices of bread have been cut very thick. And those sandwiches look horribly boring. Flavorless. And is that seltzer water I see? Golly, Bruce, you sure did get fancy with Jim (sarcasm).

    - Bruce lies about Reggie, and fails miserably. The only reason why he hasn't given in is because Jim got too tired of nagging.

    - I'm sorry, I'm still hung up on that bread.

    - Now Bruce feels self-conscious about his bread slices and their thickness. Buy pre-sliced bread, Brucie. It's easier on culinary-impaired, angst-y adolescents like yourself.

    - I noticed this before Bruce did.

    - Whenever Oswald has a scene with a female, she's usually an old lady. Momma's boy, level Penguin.

    - Golly, that old woman Lidia really is set in her ways.

    - Lidia describes her granddaughter Antonia as "pure and virtuous," which is very redundant, but Antonia is dating a guitar player Lidia hates.

    - Of course, if you don't want money, just ask for murder. Because in Gotham, everybody is down with capital crime.

    - Jim has a new fan. And the fan is a young officer who "looks up" to him.

    - The irony in the above statement is clear, isn't it?

    - Do other Gotham detectives normally NOT close cases? Is Jim starting a new phenomenon? I am now more concerned than ever before for Gotham's future.

    - There's always that one guy who says that whoever did whatever horrendous crime should be punished. The fan is that one guy.

    - The door that says "Forensics" on it is very misleading. I thought Ed would be in there.

    - Lee dreams of food while checking out dead bodies. That's a little disturbing.

    - "I could have been friends with this girl." Umm... why is that what is going through your mind, Lee?

    - "Whoever did this is a monster." A monster, no. An Ogre, yes.

    - Alfred is standing! YAY!

    - And walking! YAY!

    - And... uh, bleeding? Again? And all he says is: "Oh, dear." How very British of you, Alfred.

    - Fish is like a double agent. Almost like... Penguin. Fish, do you remember Penguin?

    - Love how crickets chirp when Fish asks the heavy metal version of One Direction (with Zayn) which one of them can fly a helicopter. She probably can fly one, but isn't letting them know.

    - Bullock is like my three-year-old sister: "NO."

    - Bullock Logic: If this girl's family deserves justice, then I deserve a supermodel who likes pasty white Irish guys.

    - When you say "Let me say it in Spanish," then proceed with the same "NO" you've been saying the last few lines, your comment kind of seems superfluous. Albeit, very funny.

    - Bullock: "Ed, question: Would you rather work more, or less?"

    Ed: "Is this a riddle?"

    My sentiments exactly, Ed.


    - "Yes, sirree." #RodgerDodger #NygmaLogic

    - Stop it with the two-finger salute, Ed! You were never in the military. EVER!

    - I am sensing a one-sided man crush that Ed has on Det. Jim Gordon.

    - Who's the Riddler now? I'm SO confused!

    - Jim is REALLY confused. That makes two of us.

    - Welcome to the other part of Gotham City, which is even more shady than the other, if that's even possible.

    - The bartender only remembers one thing about the dead girl's date, and it is that he was hot.

    (BTW, it's the Ogre. Not to spoil it or anything.)

    - This is flashback filter pulled from the 1970's. They should have kept it where it was, in the 1970's.

    - If a guy says he digs something potentially frightful to others and mentions both "unconditional love" and "intensity" in the same sentence, you better get up and run. But you didn't, Dead Girl Whose Murder Jim Is Investigating. Obviously.

    - That discreet hand touch, though. Could she BE any more obvious?

    - This just went from "Romance Movie With a Predictable Plot" to "50 Shades of Ogre" in less than 5 seconds.

    - This show is now turning into a fictitious version of "Haunting Evidence."

    - Did Bullock give that girl his number to call him if she has more info, or if she ever gets lonely? Because she looks either very irked or very confused.

    That would make three of us then, including me and Jim.

    - Bruce, Alfred said "shooting gallery," not "gun range." Also, who stays at a gun range for 2-3 days?

    - And how are you a billionaire when you are using a phone book or a Yellow Pages to find the local gun ranges? There is such a thing as "Google." Have you heard of it?

    - Another would-be meeting of two future important figures in Gotham completely thrown away.

    - And should Bruce REALLY be out on his own in this very shady city? Does he not remember watching his parents get KILLED in a dark alley?

    - "He's a guitar player, so we should get rid of his fingers," was the thought process behind this situation where the guy lost his fingers.

    - Oswald's companion thinks you can shoot a person's fingers off and not draw attention to yourself.

    - Luckily, Oswald carries garden clippers in his coat pocket, just in case, you know, someone's hedge is in dire need of trimming and he just so happens to see it.


    - This Antonia girl looks like the opposite of the words "pure and virtuous." But maybe I'm blind.

    - Oswald maimed a human being to get a building just so he can have something to kill Maroni in because... symbolism? Oh, dear God.

    - Fish's nails are perfect, which suggests that there is a professional doing her nails in the Dollmaker's island.

    - For a place that was built for all kinds of evil, they are very hypocritical.

    - Dulmacher is against dishonesty, but is in support of maiming and traumatizing people for the "greater good" and "science." Remind you of anyone (i.e. Dr. Gerald Crane)?

    - Who keeps a knife on their desk? I mean, seriously? You are practically BEGGING for someone to come in there, get wise, and kill you, Dr. Dulmacher.

    - Oh, so he keeps a gun under his desk by his seat, just in case someone does get wise? How about we NOT put our weapons in easy-to-find and not to mention, visible places?

    - Why is Dulmacher monologuing, while he points a gun at Fish, who has a knife in her hand and is not to be trusted with kitchen utensils (especially spoons), about how it'll feel when she gets shot in the stomach? I say just shoot her and let her find out for herself.

    - WOW... this was a waste of valuable screentime. Really.

    - Lee says the girl is in "pristine condition," minus being dead and the stab wounds on her chest and neck.

    - More of that 1970s-quality flashback filter. Was that really necessary?

    - Dude, you've been targeted by a serial killer. And you've just realized it now?

    - Honey, if you think you might have overcooked the lamb, don't tell the serial killer---- who has you handcuffed ---- that you might have done it!

    - And don't insult his oven! Where is your common sense, or lack thereof?!?!

    - "I thought you were the one." I'll bet he's told that to the other 12 girls he's taken Polaroids of, with that camera that came from the same year the flashback filter was from.

    - This episode is what happens when you cross a wedding video montage with a serial killer committing murder.

    - Bullock is being helpful. Enjoy it while it lasts.

    - Gordon Logic: If you are calling your mom at night and have mortgage payments, then you have a happy life. He's probably one of those guys who actually LIKES doing his taxes.

    - Bruce continues searching for Reggie in the more shady parts of Gotham. Which, you know, could be pretty much anywhere, so... yeah.

    - Selina Kyle says she could have thrown a brick at Bruce.

    Which is true.

    Yet... Bruce laughs at this?

    - Selina has voiced the same concern as me: Who stays at a gun range for 2-3 days?

    - And Bruce, once again: "shooting gallery" and "gun range" are NOT, I repeat NOT, the same thing!

    - This is an awkward ship. I love it.

    - Now let's go visit some homeless people, because that's totally not dangerous.

    - Reggie's full of heroin. Great.

    - Bruce, you suck at interrogation.

    - And, Reggie, if they are acting like children, who's to say that you're much better? "I'm gonna tell on you?" That's a little too childish, even for you.

    - The heroine (Selina) throws out the heroin.

    - Reggie's thought process is probably somewhat dampened by the heroin in his system. It's not like these kids aren't capable of committing a capital crime.

    - Except for maybe Bruce. Come on, MAN UP. You're supposed to be future Batman, for God's sake!

    - Well, at least Selina Kyle isn't too shy to commit capital crime. Now Bruce needs to WOMAN UP.

    - Current Catwoman Body Count: 1.

    Current Batman Body Count: NOTHING TO SEE HERE! MOVE ALONG!

    - Bruce should be horrified, but all his face says is: "Ohmigod, that was so cool."

    - Now why do we fall, Bruce?

    - A totally inconspicuous way of saying "time to escape," brought to you by our very own Fish Mooney (hope you caught the sarcasm).

    - The heavy metal version of One Direction (with Zayn) are finally getting to escape!

    - Should we call you "Sentimental," Fish? Because I like it.

    - What is with Dulmacher and "dishonesty?" This is total hypocrisy coming from Dulmacher's part!

    - I thought Fish's friend couldn't walk. But here he is. WALKING.

    - I certainly hope Dulmacher's not dead. He's one of those villains that is needed to make this show even more amusing.

    - I'm dying because the heavy metal version of One Direction was duped into being a distraction so that Fish could escape while the handsome gun-wielding troupe was killing the "escapees."

    - I knew Fish could fly a helicopter! Did she just learn how to, just in case she got trapped on an island with random helicopters lying around? She is a soothsayer!

    - Thanks to the gun-wielding troupe's leader this is all I can think about now, due to when he yelled: "THE CHOPPER!"

    - All of that wasted time Dulmacher spent monologuing. Fish just got shot in the stomach by the gun-wielding troupe's leader, and HE didn't monologue. No, he just shot her.

    - Ed has now found the Missing Evidence.

    - Which looks like a highly sadistic greeting card that you would give to someone you hate on Valentine's Day.

    - But Bullock has the "capacity to see beyond," as the book The Giver says.

    - To me, it just looks like a poster for a Bloody Valentine's Day movie. Sorry.

    - How do you get from "Don Juan" to "the Ogre?"


    - Bullock's estimation of the number of girls that the Ogre has killed is very close. Unless he meant a baker's dozen. Then he is spot-on.

    - Hey Jim! Remember when you used to be against violence?

    - Looks like the fan was a total phony.

    - Jim is now publicly attacking Commissioner Loebe.


    - Oh, someone is; but when Jim puts that finger up, they all just follow Jim's order to "BTFO." The security sucks in this darn town.

    - Way to end this freaking episode.

    - It's like a European ending; it leaves us with more questions than answers.



    (with extra shadiness on the side).

    Until next time, dearest readers!