Someone Prank Called C-SPAN As The Fresh Prince

    C-SPAN got flip-turned upside-down.

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    Earlier today, the Washington Journal was discussing negotiations in Iran, when a man named Jack called in from Bel-Air to comment.

    "I want to make it clear first of all, I'm calling from Bel-Air, California," Jack said, "but I am originally from Philadelphia, specifically, West Philadelphia."

    "Anyway, I was actually discussing this issue with a friend of mine recently, in Philly," Jack continued. "It occurred on the basketball court."

    "At some point during the conversation, a couple of guys," Jack told C-SPAN, "who were up to no good, essentially started causing trouble in my neighborhood."

    "I got in one little fight, and my mom got scared," Jack concluded, "And said 'You're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air.'"

    At which point Jack's call was like, "smell ya later," and we returned to the anchor, who looked mildly amused...

    Nice work, Fresh Prince.